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Best Cardiologist in Indore

Preventing Heart Disease in Diabetic Patients: Advice from MP’s Best Cardiologists

Heart disease and diabetes are two of the most significant health threats facing millions of people in India. But did you know that if you have diabetes, you’re at a higher risk of developing heart disease? It’s true, and it’s something every diabetic patient needs to be aware of. Today, we’re diving into how you […]

Best Cardiologist in Indore

Understanding Heart Failure: How Indore’s Best Cardiologists Provide Lifesaving Care

Heart failure isn’t just an old-age issue—it’s a serious condition that can affect people of all ages. It’s one of those terms we hear often, but many of us don’t fully understand what it means until it hits close to home. Simply put, heart failure happens when your heart is too weak or stiff to […]

Best Cardiologist in Indore

An Uncommon Cause of a Common Disease: A Case Report of a Rare Cause of Hypertension

Introduction  Hypertension is the leading contributor to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality worldwide.1 Arterial hypertension is a significant risk factor, and its prevalence in the general population ranges from 10% to 40%, depending on age and population-specific factors.2 Secondary hypertension, which has an identifiable underlying cause, is less common than primary hypertension but tends to be […]

Best Heart Specialist in Indore

Unlock Advanced Cardiac Solutions with the Most Trusted Heart Surgeon in Indore – Dr. Sarita Rao

When it comes to your heart, you need a doctor who’s not just qualified but is also profoundly trusted, experienced, and highly skilled. That’s where Dr. Sarita Rao, as one of the best cardiologist in Indore, steps in. Known for her state-of-the-art cardiac care, she has helped countless people unlock better health by offering advanced […]
